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FAMI-QS and FIAAA strengthen their cooperation for the region of Australia–New Zealand
FAMI-QS, the Quality and Safety System for Specialty Feed Ingredients, and FIAAA, Feed Ingredients and Additive Association of Australia, have signed a strategic agreement of cooperation for the adoption of the FAMI-QS Code in the region of Australia-New Zealand. The given name to the implementation of the FAMI-QS Code in Australia through FIAAA is FAMI-QS/FIAAA.
Nowadays, International Trade takes place in a complex legal business environment. As far as the Specialty Feed Ingredients sector is concerned, third party certifications, and FAMI-QS in particular, is thus becoming an important tool in supporting market access and regulatory compliance at global level.
With regards to the agreement, the current FAMI-QS Certification documents and accreditation will apply. FIAAA members may apply to FIAAA for what would be known as FAMI-QS/FIAAA Certification. This will entail an audit against the current version of the FAMI-QS Code and the relevant process document(s) applicable to the operation of the members. The application shall be done according to the current version of FAMI-QS Rules for Operators.
FIAAA will chair the FAMI-QS Local Working Group for the region of Australia-New Zealand and will be the authorised training provider for the region of Australia-New Zealand.
Further information regarding the implementation of the agreement will follow.
FAMI-QS is a preeminent quality and feed safety management system for the sector of specialty feed ingredients. The FAMI-QS Code addresses safety, quality and regulatory compliance in order to minimize hazards and ensure the placing on the market of safe and legal Specialty Feed Ingredients. FAMI-QS is operating under IAF MLA.
The FIAAA advocates and promotes the safe use of feed ingredients and additives. The intention is a high level of assurance that the feed will neither cause harm to the farm animals when prepared or consumed, nor to the final consumer. This assurance of quality facilitates domestic and international trade in our industry’s products, and in agricultural and food commodities as a whole.
For more information regarding the Strategic Agreement of Cooperation between FAMI-QS and FIAAA, please contact:
Emmanuel Geneiatakis Secretary General
5 Place du Champ de Mars – 1050 Brussels Tel.: +32 2550 3452
info@fami-qs.org www.fami-qs.org
Duncan Rowland
Executive Manager, FIAAA PO Box 151 Curtin ACT 2605
drowland@fiaaa.com.au Tel.: +61 419 891 494 www.fiaaa.com.au
Our Mission
SFMCA seeks to provide leadership to the Australian stock feed industry in the development of sustainable systems for the production of safe feed for food.
SFMCA Objectives
To take common and co-ordinated action on behalf of the State branches to address matters affecting or likely to affect the interests of Members of the stock feed industry.
To disseminate information of relevance and interest to the Membership.
To provide a contact point for government and others who need to communicate with the industry generally.
To address national issues on matters for the improvement, protection or development of the Australian stock feed manufacturing industry.
To provide a central organisation, through which State branches and their Members may be represented, to form industry policy positions for the general betterment of the stock feed manufacturing industry.
To organise industry events such as conferences, for the exchange of information and ideas which assist feed manufacturers in their business development.
Our Role
The Stock Feed Manufacturers' Council of Australia (SFMCA) represents feed milling companies throughout Australia. SFMCA Members manufacture over 5,500,000 tonnes of feed annually. The stock feed manufacturing industry produces compound animal feeds and pre-mixes to meet the requirements of the aquaculture, beef, dairy, pig, poultry, horse, sheep producers, zoos and household pocket pet owners.
SFMCA Members operate 159 feed, supplement and premix manufacturing sites located in all States of Australia. The volume of feed manufactured represents over 90% of all commercial feed sold within Australia.
The Stockfeed Manufacturers Council of Australia (SFMCA) is a national industry association, representing corporate and individual manufacturers of stock feed located throughout Australia and the Pacific region. The SFMCA had its beginnings in 1961and ever since, it has played an active role in addressing national industry issues, many of these relating to raw material ingredient supply, quality standards, government legislation regulations and grains industry issues.
The SFMCA is structured with a governing Federal Council, comprising elected representatives from each State SFMCA Branch.
There are State branches of SFMCA in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria (includes Tasmania), South Australia and Western Australia.
Individual stock feed manufacturers are classed as Full Members, with the mandatory requirement that they complete FeedSafeÒ accreditation for all their manufacturing sites. New Members are classed as Provisional Members until they complete FeedSafe during their first 12 months of Membership.
The SFMCA accepts Associate Members, these being companies or individuals who have an interest and involvement with the stock feed industry. Many entities supplying products and services to stock feed manufacturers are Associate Members.
SFMCA addresses national issues on matters for the improvement, protection or development of the Australian animal feed manufacturing industry. The SFMCA is also a proud Member of the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) and works with its international counterparts to promote the global feed industry as an essential participant in the food chain that provides sustainable, safe, nutritious and affordable food for a growing world population.
The range of products manufactured and supplied in Australia is as broad as the number and types of animals being fed. The largest volume products are supplied to large scale poultry, pig, dairy and beef producers. Smaller volume products are manufactured for feeding to sport and companion animals such as horses and to a range of other animals as diverse as ostriches, alpacas, specialty poultry, rabbits and mice.