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FAMIqs is a preeminent quality and feed safety management system for the sector of specialty feed ingredients. The FAMI-QS Code addresses safety, quality and regulatory compliance in order to minimize hazards and ensure the placing on the market of safe and legal Specialty Feed Ingredients. FAMIqs is operating under IAF MLA.


FAMIqs and FIAAA have signed a strategic agreement of cooperation for the adoption of the FAMIqs Code in the region of Australia-New Zealand.


International Trade takes place in a complex legal business environment. As far as the Specialty Feed Ingredients sector is concerned, third party certifications, and FAMIqs in particular has become an important tool in supporting market access and regulatory compliance at a global level.


With regards to the agreement, the current FAMIqs Certification documents and accreditation will apply. FIAAA members may apply to FIAAA for what would be known as FAMIqs/FIAAA Certification. This will entail an audit against the current version of the FAMIqs Code and the relevant process document(s) applicable to the operation of the members. The application shall be done according to the current version of FAMIqs Rules for Operators.


FIAAA will chair the FAMIqs Local Working Group for the region of Australia-New Zealand and will be the authorised training provider for the region of Australia-New Zealand.

The Feed Industry Benefits from FAMIqs

Certification meets one of the key criteria for exclusion of ‘END’ products from the requirement to be registered.


The PFIAA Ingredient Purchasing Guidelines recommend adoption of industry codes such as FAMIqs.


The SFMCA automatically accepts FAMIqs accredited suppliers as having completed the APVMA’s requirements on suppliers for self-assessment.


FAMIqs similarly addresses safety and quality to minimize risks when placing feed ingredients and additives in the market.


FAMIqs is designed for international validity. Certification to FAMIqs will be a trade enabler for FIAAA members.

Benefits, Standards and Manuals

FAMIqs Standards and Manuals

The most up-to-date versions of the FAMIqs Rules, Standards and Manuals can be found here.


Implementing FAMIqs in Australia / New Zealand


It is a pre-requisite to be a member of FIAAA before being certified.


Applications for FIAAA Membership can be found here


The following steps should be followed to obtain FAMIqs accreditation:

  1. Become a Member of FIAAA - Click here

  2. Start developing your FAMIqs quality manual, ensuring all standards of the current version are being addressed.

  3. Start implementing the procedures within the business

  4. Register with FAMIqs. This requires completing the FAMIqs registration form - found here.

  5. Advice on how to complete the form can be found in the Members’ Section of this website.

  6. Seek quotes from certifying bodies (CB) to undertake audits. A list of approved CBs can be found here.   Please note each CB has their own information form that needs to be completed.

  7. Select a CB you will work with. Remember, the CB will be your auditing body for the future.   Permission needs to be granted by FAMIqs head office to change your CBs. 

  8. Finalise the drafting and implementation of your quality manual

  9. Undertake an Internal Audit of your systems

  10. Program your Stage 1 audit with your CB.  Address any matters identified in your Stage 1 audit

  11. Program your Stage 2 audit.  Address any non-conformances identified in the audit

  12. Receive your FAMIqs certificate

  13. Provide a copy of your certificate to FIAAA. 


Certifying Bodies


The following Certifying Bodies have provided their contact details as being able to provide auditing services to FIAAA members for their FAMIqs audits. This information is correct as at 23 June 2023. The information will be updated as new information is provided.


Susan Jacob
Business Development Manager 
W:    +61 (0)405 451 877
Auditors based in QLD & VIC



Theo Vouthas 
National Business Development Manager 
W: +61 (0)497 399 386
Auditors based in QLD & NSW


Lloyd’s Register QA

Kathryn Flattery

Head of Strategic Accounts – APAC, Middle East, India
W:    +61 (0)400 991 754
Auditors based in NSW & VIC


​Australian Quality Certification

Bashir Bello
Managing Director
W: +61 (0)3 8368 2159
E: bash

Auditor based in VIC & SA

N.B.:    There are other certifying bodies that are accredited by FAMIqs, but they do not have offices/qualified auditors in Australia or New Zealand. They will be added to this list if circumstances change.


There are Australian-based certifying bodies that have previously been used by Members for FIAAA CoP audits however they do not have FAMIqs accreditation and therefore cannot be used for FAMIqs audits.

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